How To Strip Paint From A Timber Door - Wellers Hill Hardware & Landscaping Supplies Order Online

How To Strip Paint From A Timber Door

Restoring painted timber doors back to their former glory:

What you need to remove paint from door

Pro Tip: Save yourself from tears and find out if the wood is worth exposing, strip a test patch. Often if the wood grain is worth exposing the bottom layer will be varnish.

Pro Tip: Concerned about lead based paint? Read this guide on working with lead based paint from the QLD state government 

Step One – To start, move the door into a well-ventilated area and remove all hardware handles and hinges.

Pro Tip: Keep all of the hardware together in a zip lock bag and store it in your tool box or a safe place to avoid losing any pieces

Step Two – While wearing gloves, mask and safety glasses, brush on the paint stripper and cover all areas with a 2 to 3 ml fill. For wait times refer to the product instructions as these will vary.

Pro tip: Dealing with an old door with decades of paint layers? Some people apply a layer of cling wrap or plastic over the door after applying the paint stripper to keep it moist and let it sit for 1-2 hours. 

Scraping Paint Off Door

Step 3 – After the waiting period scrape off the paint and paint stripper with a paint scraper. A good indicator that the paint stripper is working is you will see the paint blistering.

Pro Tip: A small light wire brush or steel wool and mineral spirits can help remove paint from detailed areas.

Sanding Door

Step 4 – Allow the door to fully dry and finish removing any left over paint with a hand sander, going through the grades from coarse to fine. 

Pro Tip: It’s best to start sanding only after you have stripped both sides of the door and edges.

Step 5 – For a professional finish, a lacquer is recommended

Pro Tip: After all that work, don’t cheap out on the finish and regret it later. Choose a quality product. View the range from Dulux here 


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